What are Baby Monthly Milestones? How Should a Baby Grow?

"Developmental Milestones" by Dr. Holly Hodges and Dr. Bianca Shagrin

Milestones Social Language Gross motor Fine motor
1 month Alerts to sound
2 months Social smile Coos
3 months Recognizes mother Neck holding
4 months Laughs aloud Bidextrous reach
5 months Rolls over
6 months Stranger anxiety Monosyllable Sits with support Unidextrous reach
Transfers objects
8 months Sits without support
9 months Waves bye-bye Bi-syllable Stands with support Immature pincer grasp
12 months Comes when called
Plays simple games 1-2 words with meaning Stands without support
Walks with support Mature pincer grasp
15 months Jargon
Hugs parents
Indicates desires by pointing Walks without support
Climbs up stairs Imitates scribbling
Builds tower of 2 blocks
18 months Copies parents in task
Uses spoon 8-10 word vocabulary Runs Scribbles
Builds tower of 3 blocks
2 years Asks for food, drink, toilet
2-3 word sentences
Uses pronouns like I, me, you Walks upstairs & downstairs (2 feet/step) Builds tower of 6 blocks
Builds train with blocks
3 years Shares toys Asks questions Knows name & gender Walks upstairs with alternate foot
Rides tricycle Builds tower of 9 blocks
Copies circle
4 years Plays cooperatively in group
Goes to toilet alone Sings songs, poem, tells stories Walks downstairs with alternate foot
Hops on one foot Draws cross
Builds bridge with blocks
5 years Helps in household tasks
Can dress & undress on own Asks meaning of words Can skip without falling to either side Copies triangle
Builds gate with blocks